Monoslideshow changelog - Monoslideshow 2.05 (November 8th, 2009) [NEW] added option "loadURL" to attribute "onAlbumEnd", which loads the URL defined in attribute "onAlbumEndURL" in target "onAlbumEndTarget" [NEW] added item type "swfAsImage", which internally draws the .SWF to a bitmap so as to perform bitmap transition effects on it [NEW] added event "albumFinished" [NEW] added JS/AS3 API function isPlaying():Boolean [CHANGED] if an image has the "link" attribute defined, the caption area is also clickable [CHANGED] reloadDataFile also works when specifying XML via API methods - Monoslideshow 2.04 (September 22th, 2009) [NEW] added a pageIndicator tag, which by default is displayed in the navigation window [NEW] added type "tumblr" to the "feed" tag, to allow for Tumblr RSS feeds. Only the photos in the feed are displayed. [NEW] added the function "loadDataFile" to the Javascript API [NEW] thumbnail navigation window now tracks the current item [CHANGED] highlighted thumbnail in navigation window is now clickable as well [CHANGED] background color of thumbnails already visible during loading [CHANGED] if only one Media RSS is placed in an "album" tag, the title, description and thumbnail are automatically retrieved from the RSS feed [FIXED] "<" and ">" characters are now displayed correctly in titles and descriptions [FIXED] fixed pixel round-off errors on displaying progress bar, navigation window and items [FIXED] fixed an error where the thumbnail navigation window was erroneously instantiated with "startWithNavigationWindow" set to "true" [FIXED] added additional security error checks on image and thumbnail load [FIXED] various minor bugs - Monoslideshow 2.02 (August 25th, 2009) [NEW] added mimetype "video/mp4" for loading video in Media RSS files [NEW] added event "monoslideshowInitialized" that dispatches when the slideshow is ready to receive API calls [NEW] added attribute "type" ("normal", "none") to the caption "title" and "description" attribute [NEW] added attribute "startHidden" (boolean, default "false") to the "controller" node [NEW] added options "showParentAlbum" and "loadNextAlbum" to attribute "onAlbumEnd" [CHANGED] kenBurnsMode "random" now never selects "autoPan" or "autoPanBackwards" [FIXED] close button on navigation window, while current album doesn't contain items, plays the first album that does contain items [FIXED] displays an error when no items are in the slideshow [FIXED] public API functions for AS3 are accessible now [FIXED] fixed jittering behavior on navigation window thumbnail rollovers [FIXED] calling "loadXML(xml:String)" or "loadDataFile(dataFile:String)" now resets the slideshow first [FIXED] minor bugs - Monoslideshow 2.01 (July 29th, 2009) [NEW] new option for attribute "onAlbumEnd": "showNavigation" [NEW] new attribute "startSlideshowOnAlbumSelect": when set to "true", clicking an album plays the slideshow without showing the thumbnails first, except when the album contains other sub albums [NEW] new API call "jumpToImage(index:int)", which lets you jump to a specific image in the album [NEW] four new random Ken Burns modes: "randomZoom", "randomZoomAndPan", "random3D", "random" [CHANGED] the default value of attribute "followImageLinks" is now set to "false" [CHANGED] images now fire a click event even when there's no link attribute defined, but "followImageLinks" must be set to "true" [CHANGED] the attribute "thumbnailPath" is also prepended to the attribute "thumbnail" when "thumbnail" is defined, except when starting with "http://" [FIXED] background music doesn't preload, but streams correctly [FIXED] Monoslideshow doesn't use Main class to instantiate itself anymore, to avoid conflicts with embedding [FIXED] loading a custom data file via the AS3 API now works correctly [FIXED] pausing the slideshow via the API while no controller is visible now works correctly - Monoslideshow 2.0 (June 1st, 2009) [NEW] Complete rewrite in Actionscript 3. - Monoslideshow 1.32 (May 31th, 2007) [FIXED] Flickr updated some of its RSS feeds, Monoslideshow now parses them correctly [FIXED] Some sound issues are fixed [UPDATED] Updated manual - Monoslideshow 1.3 (April 5th, 2007) [NEW] The copyright notice can be disabled by passing a parameter to the .SWF file: paramer "showVersionInfo" (values "true", "false") [NEW] Option to play sounds on button events: attributes "hoverSound", "selectSound", "albumWindowButtonHoverSound", "albumWindowButtonSelectSound", "thumbnailWindowButtonHoverSound", "thumbnailWindowButtonSelectSound", "muteButtonHoverSound", "muteButtonSelectSound", "previousButtonHoverSound", "previousButtonSelectSound", "pauseButtonHoverSound", "pauseButtonSelectSound", "playButtonSelectSound", "nextButtonHoverSound", "nextButtonSelectSound", "albumWindowCloseButtonHoverSound", "albumWindowCloseButtonSelectSound", "albumWindowPreviousButtonHoverSound", "albumWindowPreviousButtonSelectSound", "albumWindowNextButtonHoverSound", "albumWindowNextButtonSelectSound", "albumHoverSound", "albumSelectSound", "thumbnailWindowCloseButtonHoverSound", "thumbnailWindowCloseButtonSelectSound", "thumbnailWindowPreviousButtonHoverSound", "thumbnailWindowPreviousButtonSelectSound", "thumbnailWindowNextButtonHoverSound", "thumbnailWindowNextButtonSelectSound", "thumbnailHoverSound", "thumbnailSelectSound" [NEW] Background music fade in and out: attributes "backgroundMusicFadeIn" (values "true", "false"), "backgroundMusicFadeOut", "backgroundMusicAlbumWindowVolume" (values "true", "false"), "backgroundMusicAlbumWindowFadeTime", "backgroundMusicThumbnailWindowVolume", "backgroundMusicThumbnailWindowFadeTime" [NEW] Background music can optionally be looped: attribute "backgroundMusicLoop" (values "true", "false") [NEW] "backgroundMusic" supports multiple mp3's by separating multiple files with a comma [NEW] Monoslideshow can be optionally muted on start: attribute "startMuted" (values "true", "false") [NEW] The album window can be shown on finishing an album: attribute "showAlbumWindow" (values "true", "false") [NEW] The original images on Flickr can't be accessed anymore, "linkToImageSize" specifies which size the images have when clicked on an image in a Flickr album (values "tiny", "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large") [NEW] New "imageTransition" values "starWipe" and "starWipeBlend" [FIXED] The "imageTransition" value "fadeInOut" works fine again [FIXED] The "imageScaleMode" value "downscaleToFit" works fine now [FIXED] Display an album regardless of whether an album thumbnail is present [FIXED] "mailto" links won't open in a new window [FIXED] If "autoPlay" is set to "false", the play icon is set to pause too [FIXED] Sometimes the link on an image didn't work when the image was pressed [FIXED] Monoslideshow implements a new Flickr Feed parsing system, following the recent changes made by Flickr [CHANGED] When "startWith" is set to "albums", "thumbnails" or "albumsThenThumbnails", the close button of the album or thumbnail window is disabled [CHANGED] The original images on Flickr can't be accessed anymore, the "size" attribute doesn't contain the value "original" anymore, these are still valid: "tiny", "thumbnail", "small", "medium", "large" [CHANGED] The attribute "soundPath" can be placed in the tag too, it does affect the sounds of the buttons, but not the attribute "backgroundMusic" [CHANGED] The demo page on generates more compact XML files by omitting standard values in the tag [UPDATED] Updated manual - Monoslideshow 1.2 (December 14th, 2006) [NEW] Custom fonts support: attributes "imageInfoTitleFont", "imageInfoDescriptionFont", "albumWindowInfoFont", "thumbnailWindowInfoFont", "albumInfoTitleFont", "albumInfoDescriptionFont" [NEW] Specify a viewport to display the images in: attribute "viewport" (value "x1, y1, x2, y2") [NEW] Set thumbnail window to always on: attribute "thumbnailWindowAlwaysOn" (values "true", "false") [NEW] Track thumbnail window when always on: attribute "thumbnailWindowTrack" (values "true", "false") [NEW] Attribute "startWith" gets new value "albumsThenThumbnails" [NEW] Displays an error if mark file isn't loaded correctly [FIXED] "autoPause" works correctly when an image with sound is manually skipped [FIXED] Controls are sized correctly [FIXED] Strings character limit is 65536 instead of 1024 [FIXED] "kenBurnsStart" and "kenBurnsEnd" coordinates no longer need "kenBurnsMode" defined [CHANGED] When "thumbnailPath" in the "album" tag is defined, the URL of the thumbnail in the "img" tag becomes "thumbnailPath" + "thumbnail" [UPDATED] Updated manual - Monoslideshow 1.1 (September 30th, 2006) [NEW] Ken Burns effect: attribute "kenBurnsMode" (values "randomPan", "randomZoomIn", "randomZoomOut", "random", "none"), "kenBurnsVariationPercent", "kenBurnsTime", "kenBurnsStart", "kenBurnsEnd" [NEW] Start specific images or albums: attributes "startWithAlbumID", "startWithImageID", "id" ("loadAlbum" which uses the title of an album will be deprecated soon) [NEW] Auto pause: attribute "autoPause" (values "true", "false") [FIXED] Sound doesn't affect other .SWF movies anymore [FIXED] Backgroundmusic won't be played when startWith = "albums" [FIXED] Fixed an absolute path issue [CHANGED] Albums will immediately fade out when clicked in the album window [CHANGED] No image will be displayed in the background when startWith = "albums" or "thumbnails" [UPDATED] Updated manual - Monoslideshow 1.0 (September 10th, 2006) First version